
If you're a crypto investor, staking is a concept you'll hear about often. Staking is the way many cryptocurrencies verify their transactions, and it allows participants to earn rewards on their holdings.

But what is crypto staking? Staking cryptocurrencies is a process that involves committing your crypto assets to support a blockchain network and confirm transactions.

It's available with cryptocurrencies that use the proof-of-stake model to process payments. This is a more energy-efficient alternative to the proof-of-work model, which requires mining devices that use computing power to solve mathematical equations.

Staking can be a great way to use your crypto to generate passive income, especially because some cryptocurrencies offer high interest rates for staking.

Benefits of staking

  • It's an easy way to earn interest on your cryptocurrency holdings.

  • You don't need any equipment for crypto staking like you would for crypto mining.

  • You're helping to maintain the security and efficiency of the blockchain.

  • It's more environmentally friendly than crypto mining.

Last updated